Eight avoidable mistakes was all it took to start the perfect storm that saw this hugely successful business fail on its 20th Birthday.
Many business owners shake their head as they are making some of those mistakes, some shake all over as they are making them all.
This is a story, my story, a true story, do NOT make it your story.
The book shares the story, the resources here share with you what made that business massively successful, and what led to its failure.
Most business books share the path the author took to achieve success.
The reality is, you could follow that path to the LETTER and still not achieve that success.
What worked for them may not work for you...
This book is different, this book shares how to avoid FAILURE, and very often the mistakes that can lead to that failure are masked in your business. They can even be masked by SUCCESS.
When you have a massively profitable business and the "illusion" of wealth, it's very difficult to look in the mirror and say, "You're doing this wrong..." I was!
Eight key mistakes was all it took to start that “Perfect Storm”, and despite that business enjoying industry “busting” profits, substantial CASH balances, and a HUGE property portfolio, the business FAILED on its 20th Birthday.
The book shares the story, the programmes here, including the FREE resources, provide safe navigation for your business. Don’t make the same mistakes I did.
Plan for your growth.
Learn EVERY day and improve.
Hang out with SMART people.
Train your team to be better than you
Plan for your EXIT.
Stay open minded.