What is "Think Piranha"? In marketing we know that nothing works in isolation. Marketing is about a planned, measured, CONSISTENT and implemented SERIES of strategies.
Yet most businesses commit "random acts of marketing" when sales dip or a new product is launched. No thought, no plan, no strategy, no measuring, and guess what? NO results.
Imagine SEVERAL marketing campaigns (The Piranhas) all running together, all reinforcing YOUR message to your target market, and all tested and measured to ensure EVERYTHING works.
Marketing strategies, just like a Piranha, one in isolation achieves little, maybe a bite here and there. Get a GROUP, and your competitor is getting devoured... Piranha style!!
We'll show you how.
Used in conjunction with the FREE Workbook, the Piranha Planner is now available as a FREE Online Course too.
Delivered through a series of 24 short videos and resources, with several FREE Bonus Features. This is a great marketing resource for any business looking to be better at marketing while spending LESS.
Before starting any campaign Piranha will take you on a journey of discovery. Discovering exactly what your business is all about. Discovering WHO your target market is and WHY. Discovering that more is achievable with less.
You'll never look at your marketing the same way again.
Lead Nurturing is just one element covered in the Piranha Planner Workbook.
Did you know that just 3% of your target market is READY to buy when they receive (or see) your marketing message?
Just 3%.
If you're not collecting and nurturing your data, then your marketing will be slow and expensive. Lessons 9 and 10, plus a BONUS feature cover this well.
Don't focus on 3% when 40% is possible.
Your customer's journey starts long before they buy from you, and must continue long after they have purchased.
How do you build Raving Fans in your business? Customers that are so delighted with your business that they tell all their friends, share your posts, and leave awesome reviews... without being asked.
Do you know what the Danger Dot is?
This is "Perceived Indifference" and we cover that in one of the Bonus Features at the end of the FREE Course.
When you fully understand your customer's demands, you'll easily ensure it's a long, profitable, and enjoyable journey.
Thank for your interest - one of our team will be in touch soon - EVERYTHNG we discuss or share is 100% confidential.